Why Sharks Trump Helen Keller… Just This Once

So today is day three of Shark Week.

Last night wasn’t my favorite combination of shark shows. Mythbusters was kinda a repeat and sharkzilla wasn’t so spectacular to have on while partying (Air Jaws is the best for this). But disappointing shows didn’t kill our festivities!!!!

Thanks to a lovely compilation of shark-themed cocktails, my bartender friend and I had a blast entertaining ourselves while the rest played Apples to Apples (“Sharks” trumped Helen Keller for this game and “The Beach” overruled Michael Jackson).

Shark Infested Waters

Lime Bite

Shark Bite

Shark Fin Ice Cube!

So tonight we have a fiesta, “How Jaws Changed the World,” and “Adrift” to look forward to.

Also this!…..

Thank you to whoever wrote this!

Tonight’s drink of choice, MARGARITAS!!!! And not made with a mix, but from scratch with real limes just as Mexico intended.